Webinar: Prevent moisture damage to collections in museums and archives.

4 October, 2023 11:00 - 11:45 AM CET Teams!

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Museums, galleries, archives, and libraries hold priceless art not only for current display but also for future generations to appreciate. It is obviously important that these items are perfectly preserved.

In fact, one of the most dangerous threats to stored goods is the indoor climate. Temperature, and particularly the relative humidity, can cause severe damage to these, often irreplaceable, objects.

Join this webinar with Mr. Filippo Paggiarin from Munters, to learn how to control the climate in your archives as well as your display rooms, to prevent damage and degradation of the goods due to moisture.

Key learning objectives:

  • Why humidity is a risk to archived goods.
  • How to ensure a comfortable climate both for art and for humans.
  • How to prevent mold, corrosion, and pollutants from spreading during storage.
  • How to optimize energy consumption in your archive through stable indoor climate conditions.

Join our webinar to learn why controlling humidity is vital in preserving valuable art and artifacts.

  • Date: 4 October 
  • Time: 11:00 - 11:45 AM CET

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Can’t make it at this time? Please register anyway and we’ll mail you the on-demand version after the webinar.

Munters is a world-leader in climate control and have the expertise on air treatment products, and we know how to keep books, documents, art, artifacts, film and tapes, safe from moisture damage.

Register here.


Filippo Paggiarin

Training and Development Specialist at Munters

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